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About Steven Greene

After having worked through every entry level job in the entertainment industry, including Page at NBC and mail sorter at The William Morris Theatrical Agency, Steven Greene made it to Vice President and Executive Producer at Warner Bros. where he brought animation production back to the studio.

He then left corporate life to work as a carpenter and welder. Physical labor allowed the creative flow that led him to write novels and several screenplays that were produced by Major Hollywood Studios. Greene continues to be a major creative force. He writes fiction and non-fiction, sculpts, cooks and is a partner in a high-level digital marketing agency.

Steven’s books include the best-selling Addicted to Success and Surveyonomics.

About Torie Mathis

Torie has worked in the trenches…alongside frustrated business owners, coaches and authors, turning marketing nightmares into business wins. She is the CEO/Creative Director of a top marketing agency where she creates profit-producing, lead-generating marketing for clients. 

She is a US Army veteran, has a BFA in Advertising from the Academy of Art San Francisco, is a Best-Selling author, a Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer and a Certified Platinum Business Coach. She has spoken at events all over the world from the International Executive Coaches Retreat to the National League of Junior Cotillions and has trained organizations from United States Army Europe Family Readiness Groups to her local Chamber of Commerce.

Torie’s books include the best-selling Carolina Trendsetters and Integrative Marketing.



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