Why Become a Self-Published Author?

by | Publish a Book, TM

When growing your business, there are many tools in your arsenal.

Your social media presence is an excellent indication of your brand. Your website and blog attract and engages with new fans. Your email list keeps you connected with clients and followers.

Each of these tools in your marketing strategy helps to grow your business and platform, but the one tool with the most power by far is your book.

You, a self-published author.

Your name on the front cover of a tangible, hold-it-in-your-hands, actually printed-on-paper book is one thing that can take your business from semi-successful to rock star status.


Here are four reasons why you should become a self-published author.


1. As a Self-Published Author, You’re an Expert

Pay attention to all the “experts” you see interviewed on the morning news shows, talk shows, and on the radio and podcasts. Notice anything similar?

They are commonly introduced as the “Author of…”

There’s a good reason for that. Those who have the expertise and experience to dig deep into a subject to and break it down in a way so others can understand clearly know their stuff. A book doesn’t just skim the surface of a subject. A book follows the rabbit trail and makes new connections and explores unknown corners.

If you’ve written a book (or are just about done), you’ve almost certainly earned your expert status.

2. Writers Are Committed and Driven

Authors are not only seen as the experts in their field, but they’ve proven themselves to be more driven and committed than most others. Think about the energy and time and frustration that comes from writing 100 or 200 or even more pages on the same subject.

Not only that, but all those pages must flow together in a logical order, making sense out of difficult to grasp concept, and be engaging and memorable, too.

That’s quite the tall order, and for those who actually pull it off, the kudos are very well deserved. When your book is finally published, you deserve to walk a little bit taller and hold your head a little bit straighter. Potential clients and colleagues will see you with new eyes, simply because you’ve published a book.

3. Books Offer a “Foot in the Door” Like Nothing Else

When it comes to publicity—in the form of interviews, speaking engagements, Joint Venture invitations, or more traffic to your website—you really can’t do much better than a book. A published book open doors to opportunities that no other marketing tool can.

A book gets you noticed by top influencers in your market.

A book makes you more memorable.

4. Get a Traditional Publishing Deal

And believe it or not, being a self-published author can even turn into a traditional publishing contract with all the benefits that go along with it.

With all these advantages that come with having written and self-published a book, what’s still holding you back?

It honestly doesn’t matter what your niche is or who your target market is; there is room on the shelf for your personal, unique insights. You owe it to your audience, to your fans, and to your business, to get that book published.

If you are ready to write and self-publish your first book but aren’t sure where to get started our Author Exposure Blueprint has everything you need to write, publish and promote your book. Get started here



Torie Mathis helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and CEOs showcase their authority with an expert book and a buzz-worthy personal brand.  She is a best-selling author, Army veteran, speaker + trainer, and your mentor to creating the business+ life you love. She is the founder of the Author Exposure Blueprint, the Smart Arsenal, and the host of SMART AF.

4 Reasons to Self-Publish a Book


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